SELFA receives multi-year funding thanks to local family firm
Posted: 22nd April 2024
The St James’s Place Foundation have supported SELFA with a grant of £30,000 over 3 years towards activities for children in North Craven.
The Foundation funds small and medium sized charities across the UK and overseas working with children who are disadvantaged physically, socially, or economically. They are supported by the staff and advisers of St. James’s Place (SJP), who help raise funds and build relationships with smaller charities such as SELFA who can substantially benefit from their funding which will have a significant and long-term impact within communities.
The funding came about as a result of the relationship SELFA has with Pentelow Wealth Management, a local family firm and founding Partner of SJP, who are deeply embedded in the community they serve.
At a local-level SJP office, Pentelow Wealth Management are free to donate small amounts to charities of their choice, which is where their support of SELFA originated from. They also supported SELFA’s application for a larger grant which are given out centrally by the Charitable Foundation and are designed for longer term projects.
Emma Pentelow, Managing Partner of Pentelow Wealth Management said “From our founding days we have looked beyond ourselves to make a difference to those less fortunate, committed to driving positive community impact, building social capital within communities. In addition to providing financial support to charities and causes, we also encourage our employees to volunteer their time, skills, and expertise – this initiative saw the whole team from Pentelow Wealth Management spending the day at SELFA decorating two of the classrooms.”
Emma Pears, SELFA’s Chief Officer said “We are so thankful to Emma and the team at Pentelow Wealth Management for all the support they have given SELFA over the years: from helping us redecorate our premises; sorting out our garden; and buying us toys and equipment; the team are always so willing to help in any way they can. To be put forward for a grant from the SJP was fantastic, the fact that it was multi-year funding was even better; enabling us to plan for the future and meet the needs of our most rurally isolated children and young people.”
Pentelow Wealth Management SELFA Day video: – https://youtu.be/kw34AOTI8oc?si=r_LFLX28BWFf7ZH7
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