Beyondly go above and beyond
30th July 2024
“She came back so happy, relaxed and mature. She was practically glowing! She really enjoyed herself and was absolutely buzzing to have won a prize for her t-shirt design. Thank you for looking after her and giving her a wonderful time.” Parent
Thanks to funding from Beyondly we have been able to offer 6 residential experiences to the children and young people at SELFA. Altogether, 72 children have been able to enjoy a 2 day programme at Eshton Grange where they took part in workshops delivered by Project Wild to learn more about the environment, our impact on the environment and steps we could take to be more sustainable. We also enjoyed swimming in the outdoor pool, meeting lots of animals and creepy crawlies and enjoyed campfires! Members of the Beyondly team volunteered their weekends to help out.
The impact of enjoying a residential experience together with their peers and staff has had a longer term impact on the young people as they have been able to share positive experiences and make memories together that they will treasure forever. Due to the connections they have with their peers, the young people have a more positive attitude in their sessions at SELFA, so they get more out of attendence. They also feel a greater sense of belonging to their community.
“This has been the best weekend ever! I was actually very brave holding the snake because I’ve always thought they would hurt me but it was actually really cute. Can we come back next week?” Young person
“My daughter is absolutely buzzing with how much she enjoyed it” Parent
“I honestly can’t thank you enough for giving my happy and witty girl back. She has such a positive attitude to life now that people care about her and love her for who she is” Parent